How Important Is The Procedure For Post Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplant Singapore surgery is advanced and most effective surgery for individuals who want re-grow or add volume to the hairline. The transplant procedure is simple and is less invasive when compared to other surgical procedures. There are three crucial steps of hair transplant Singapore surgery; preparation, surgery and post-surgery procedure. Post hair transplant procedure is as important as the other two steps as the results of the surgery totally depend on the care you take after the surgery. Hair experts recommend good after surgery care to ensure best results.

Not following proper post hair transplant care procedure can result in damage to the newly planted hair and can sometimes result in further hair loss. The hair transplant Singapore clinic will provide you with tips that you need to follow after the procedure which includes hair washing and sleeping positions. The incisions made for planting are tiny but still needs healing time because only proper healing of the incision can prevent infections and start producing hair within a few months.

There are few things which you should avoid as a part of post hair transplant Singapore surgery. They are;

  • Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of two weeks after the hair transplant procedure or till the incisions are completely healed.
  • Do not undertake any strenuous jobs or vigorous exercise.
  • Do not touch the hair frequently even it is itchy, itching is part of the healing process. Repeatedly touching the newly planted hair will disturb the root.
  • Do not shampoo or wash your hair for 48 hours after the hair transplant surgery.

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